General Medicine Important Questions

Hi everyone sharing with you important questions asked in previous year BDS General Medicine examination in various universities. Hope these questions help you to know which topics are important & pay more emphasis on while preparing for exams. If you find these helpful please let me know in the comment box below. All the best in advance!!!

Long Questions [etiology, Clinical Features, Diagnosis, Management, Treatment]

  1. Acute rheumatic fever
  2. Bronchial asthma
  3. Thyrotoxicosis
  4. Acute nephritis
  5. Viral hepatitis [Hepatitis-B]
  6. Community acquired pneumonia
  7. Acute glomerulonephritis
  8. Facial palsy
  9. Infective endocarditis
  10. COPD
  11. Hypothyroidism
  12. Nephrotic syndrome
  13. Pyogenic meningitis
  14. Type 2 diabetes mellitus
  15. Cardiac failure
  16. Chronic bronchial asthma
  17. Hepatic encephalopathy
  18. HIV infection[Oro-dental manifestation]
  19. Hypertension
  20. Iron deficiency anemia
  21. Treatment of falciparum malaria
  22. Causes of upper GI infection & it’s treatment
  23. Anemia – classification, investigation & management
  24. Acute severe asthma
  25. Meningitis
  26. Cirrhosis of liver
  27. Enteric fever
  28. Modified jone’s criteria & Acute rheumatic fever
  29. Acromegaly
  30. Vitamin- D deficiency and management
  31. Diabetes mellitus
  32. Acute leukemia – classification, ( Acute myeloid leukemia)
  33. Describe the medical emergency encountered during dental practice
  34. Describe the c/f and treatment of generalized chronic tonic seizure[grand mal epilepsy]
  35. Causes of ascites, c/f and treatment of cirrhosis of liver
  36. Causes of bleeding disorder, diagnosis and treatment of acute myeloid leukemia[ AML] as a dentist
  37. Causes of pain in chest and myocardial infection
  38. Describe the chronic complications of diabetes, treatment of diabetic retinopathy
  39. C/f and treatment of vitamin B12 deficiency
  40. Causes of headache and treatment in brief
  41. Malaria and it’s management
  42. Pneumonia
  43. Causes of acute renal failure, describe the treatment of patient of post diarrheal renal failure in tertiary hospital
  44. Causes of Hepatomegaly and amoebic liver abscess
  45. Rheumatic heart disease and congested cardiac failure
  46. Diabetes and diabetic keto-acidosis
  47. Left ventricular failure
  48. Pulmonary tuberculosis
  49. Causes of lymphadenopathy, c/f and blood picture of acute lymphoblastic leukemia
  50. Bacterial meningitis
  51. Pyogenic meningitis
  52. Epilepsy and it’s classification, describe about status epilepticus
  53. Lung abscess
  54. Step wise approach to patient with anemia to arrive at the diagnosis
  55. Acute chest pain

Short Questions

  1. Causes of hemoptysis
  2. Pallor
  3. Treatment of stomatitis
  4. Treatment of mumps
  5. Purpura
  6. Osteoporosis
  7. Syncope
  8. Splenomegaly
  9. Diagnosis criteria of rheumatic fever
  10. Treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis
  11. Management of cerebral malaria
  12. Complication of mumps
  13. Agranulocytosis
  14. Acromegaly
  15. Oral anti-diabetic drug
  16. CPR
  17. Management of enteric fever
  18. Causes of upper GI bleeding
  19. Cyanosis
  20. Treatment of acid peptic disease
  21. Oral manifestation of hematological disorder
  22. Generalized lymphadenopathy
  23. Migraine
  24. Diagnosis of diabetes mellitus
  25. Causes of generalized lymphadenopathy
  26. Complication of mitral stenosis
  27. Jone’s criteria of acute rheumatic fever
  28. Causes of hyperpyrexia
  29. Causes of hematuria
  30. Treatment of vivax malaria
  31. Sickle cell crisis
  32. Causes of gum hyperplasia
  33. Dementia
  34. Causes of polyurea
  35. Differentiate between central and peripheral cyanosis
  36. Complication of thyroid fever
  37. Oral hypoglycemic drug
  38. Trigeminal neuralgia
  39. Drug used for treatment of HIV & AIDS
  40. Treatment of p. vivax malaria
  41. Hepatitis-B
  42. Diabetes nephropathy
  43. Herpes zoster
  44. Osteoporosis
  45. Bell’s palsy
  46. Hepatic encephalopathy
  47. Cause of oral aphthous ulcer
  48. Hepatitis-C
  49. Acute transverse myelitis
  50. Angina pectoris
  51. Causes of gum bleeding
  52. Oral candidiasis
  53. Dysphagia
  54. Thrombocytopenia
  55. Chronic bronchitis
  56. Plummer vinson’s syndrome
  57. Lung abscess
  58. Cardiac disease
  59. Ludwig angina
  60. Acute complications of diabetes mellitus
  61. Reiter’s syndrome
  62. Chronic myeloid leukemia
  63. Congestive cardiac failure
  64. Causes of acute renal failure
  65. Treatment of chronic hepatitis-B
  66. Myxedema
  67. DOTS
  68. Malignant hypertension
  69. Hemophilia
  70. Nephrotic syndrome
  71. Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation
  72. Malabsorption syndrome
  73. Complication of diphtheria
  74. Sickle cell anemia
  75. Oral manifestation of AIDS
  76. Prophylaxis of bacterial endocarditis
  77. Acute glomerulonephritis
  78. Pulmonary embolism
  79. Complication of hypertension
  80. Left ventricular failure
  81. Treatment of thyrotoxicosis
  82. Adverse drug reaction in dental practice
  83. Neurological causes of dental pain
  84. Cervical lymphadenopathy
  85. Respiratory failure
  86. Hypertensive encephalopathy
  87. Thalassemia
  88. Hematuria
  89. Pneumococcal pneumonia
  90. c/f and blood picture of acute myeloid leukemia
  91. Diabetic periodontal diseases
  92. Dyspnea
  93. Beri-beri
  94. Diplopia
  95. Proteinuria
  96. Grave’s disease
  97. Tetany
  98. Tetanus
  99. Pulsus paradoxus
  100. Iron deficiency anemia
  101. CSF picture of TB meningitis
  102. Hypoglycemia
  103. Oral thrust
  104. Tropical pulmonary eosinophilia
  105. Amoebic dysentery
  106. Hyperparathyroidism
  107. Fever
  108. Vasovagal syncope
  109. Acute diarrhea
  110. Thyroid storm
  111. Vitamin-A deficiency
  112. Malabsorption syndrome
  113. Treatment of anaphylactic shock
  114. Complication of diphtheria
  115. C/f of thyrotoxicosis
  116. Prophylaxis of bacterial endocarditis
  117. Complication of measles
  118. Acute leukemia
  119. Respiratory failure
  120. Steven Johnson syndrome
  121. Types of anemia
  122. Niacin deficiency
  123. Types of insulin
  124. Dengue
  125. Tender hepatomegaly
  126. Generalized lymphadenopathy