Write about the
principles of image formation in panoramic radiography. Add a note on
advantages and disadvantages of OPG.
Write the contents
of developer and fixer solutions. Write, in detail the manual processing
Write in detail
about the pigmented lesions of oral mucosa.
Classify TMJ
disorders. Write in detail the clinical features and management of
myofascial pain dysfunction syndrome.
Classify salivary
gland disorders. Write in detail the syndromes associated, clinical
features and management of xerostomia.
Write in detail
about the production of x-ray. Add a note on properties of x-ray.
Enumerate hazards
of radiation. Discuss the ill effects of radiation on Oral tissues.
Write in detail the
physical, chemical and biological properties of X-ray.
vesiculobullous lesions affecting oral mucosa. Write about the clinical
features and treatment of Primary Herpetic Gingivostomatitis. Add a note
on herpetic Whitlow.
Classify TMJ
disorders. Write about the clinical features evaluation and treatment of
Myofascial Pain Dysfunction syndrome.
Define radiation
biology. Write about the harmful effects of radiation to oral cavity.
Write about the
radio opaque and radiolucent landmarks of mandible.
Define Trismus?
Discuss the differential diagnosis of Trismus. Describe in details about
management of OSMF.
Classify pigmented
lesions of oral cavity. Write in details about the etiology, C/F, in
each lesion.
Enumerate various
extra oral radiographs. Discuss, in details about OPG.
Write in details
about X-ray production with schematic representation of various part
about X-ray tube.
Describe the parts
of X-Ray tube. Describe in detail about ionizing radiation to biological
What is Oral Ulcer?
Discuss in detail about etiology, clinical features, investigations and
treatment modalities of Oral ulcer.
Classify Fibro
Osseous lesions of jaws. Discuss in detail the clinical and radiographic
features of Paget’s Disease.
Define leukoplakia. Write in detail about
etiology, clinical features, investigation and its management.
Classify TM
disorders. Describe in detail about the management of MPDS.
Enumerate various
vesiculobullous lesions of oral cavity. Describe clinical features,
investigations required and management of pemphigus
Describe the
principles of IOPA radiographs. Discuss about occlusal radiograph.
Define an ideal
radiograph. Describe, the basic principles to obtain an ideal
Classify pigmented
lesions of oral mucosa. Write in detail about the etiology, clinical
types, clinical features, investigations and management of oral lichen
What are the
principles of projection geometry? Write in detail about the principle
and method of paralleling angle technique of IOPAR.
Classify ulcerative
lesions and describe the etiology, c/f, D/D, and management of RAS.