Periodontology Important Exam Questions

Hi everyone sharing with you important questions asked in previous year Periodontology examination in various universities. Hope these questions help you to know which topics are important. If you find these helpful please let me know in the comment box below. All the best in advance!!!

Long Questions

  • Define alveolar process and write about its parts. Write in detail about remodeling of alveolar bone.
  • Define and classify periodontal pocket. Discuss in detail the etiopathogenesis of periodontal pocket.
  • Define and classify periodontal flaps. Write in detail about flap techniques used for pocket therapy.
  • Influence of diabetes mellitus on the periodontium in health and disease. Write in detail about periodontal management of diabetic patients.
  • Define and classify Cementum. Write in detail the structure of cementum and clinical significance of cement-enamel junction.
  • What is periodontal abscess? Classify it. Write in detail about diagnosis and treatment of periodontal abscess.
  • What are different types of osseous defects. Write in detail about their management.
  • What are periodontal plastic surgery? Classify gingival recession & mention the different techniques of root coverage.
  • Define periodontal ligament. Classify the principal group of fibers and cells of periodontal ligament.
  • Define and classify dental plaque. Describe the mechanism of dental plaque formation. Write briefly the etiological role of plaque in periodontal diseases.
  • Classify gingival surgical procedures. Write in short about their indications and contraindications & rationale.
  • Define and classify furcation involvement. Write in short about management of Grade II furcation involvement.
  • Define and classify dental calculus. Give a brief outline of composition of calculus. What is the role of micro-organisms in the formation of calculus?
  • Draw and describe the anatomical parts of gingiva.
  • What is gingivectomy? Mention its indications and contraindications. Write the steps of gingivectomy procedure.
  • Classify periodontal abscess. How it differs from pulpal abscess? Write in short the treatment of periodontal abscess.
  • Define Gingiva. Write in detail the microscopic and macroscopic features of gingiva.
  • Define aggressive periodontitis. Write in detail the clinical, microbiological radiological features and treatment of generalized aggressive periodontitis.
  • Define regeneration. Describe in detail about the various GTR materials used in periodontal therapy.
  • Define splinting. Classify various types of splints. Mention the rationale and objectives of splinting.
  • Draw and label the principal group of fibres of periodontal ligament. Write in short the function of periodontal ligament.
  • Define Dental plaque. Write it’s composition, formation and etiological role in periodontal diseases.
  • What is periodontal pocket? Describe the pathogenesis of forming a pocket.
  • Describe & classify periodontal flaps. Write step by step the modified Widman Flap surgical procedure.
  • Define osseous surgery. Classify and describe the procedure of Resective Osseous Surgery.
  • Define gingival recession. Classify and write in detail about free gingival graft procedures.
  • Write briefly about aetiology, clinical features and treatment modalities of ANUG.
  • Classify bone grafts. Write in detail about autogenous bone grafts.
  • Define periodontium. Describe the structure and function of periodontal ligament.
  • Classify gingival enlargement. Describe the clinical factors of Drug induced gingival enlargement.
  • Define and classify furcation involvement. Write in detail about various treatment options for furcation lesions.
  • What is Prognosis? What are the factors considered in individual tooth prognosis?
  • Define biofilm. Describe dental plaque as a biofilm and its importance in etiopathogenesis of periodontal diseases.
  • What are sharpey’s Fibres? Classify principal fibres of PDL. Write structure and function of it.
  • Define dental calculus. Enumerate the differences between supra and sub gingival calculus. Describe theories of formation of dental calculus.
  • What is Cementum? Classify it. Describe role of cementum in health and disease.
  • Write indications, contraindications and different steps of gingivectomy. Write in short about the healing of gingivectomy wound.
  • Describe the causes of gingival bleeding and its management.
  • Define periodontal pocket. Discuss the pathogenesis, histopathologic contents and management of pocket.
  • Classify gingival enlargement, discuss about idiopathic gingival enlargement.

Short Note

  • Pathologic tooth migration
  • Stages of Gingivitis
  • Principal fibers of periodontal ligament
  • Bone graft material used in periodontal bone regeneration
  • Free gingival graft
  • Peri-implantitis
  • Junction epithelium
  • ANUG
  • Periodontal pockets
  • Healing after gingivectomy
  • Periodontal splints
  • Chemically modified tetracyclines
  • Macrophages
  • Acute gingival infection
  • Refractory periodontitis
  • Periodontal pack
  • Regenerative osseous surgery
  • Supportive periodontal therapy
  • Gingival crevicular Fluid
  • Interdental Aids
  • Desquamative Gingivitis
  • Autogenous bone graft
  • Drugs used in periodontics
  • Supportive Periodontal Therapy
  • Stages of gingivitis
  • Classification of periodontal diseases
  • Periodontal manifestation in AIDS
  • Attached gingiva
  • Classify perio-endo lesions
  • Antimicrobial therapy in periodontics
  • Trauma from occlusion
  • Chemical plaque control
  • NUP
  • Fenestration and dehiscence
  • Food impaction
  • Periodontal dressing
  • GTR
  • LASERS in periodontal application
  • Formation of dental plaque
  • Oral manifestation of HIV
  • Diagnosis of halitosis
  • Lateral positioned flap technique
  • Inter-relationship of DM and Periodontitis
  • Osseointegration
  • Pericoronitis
  • Gingival curettage
  • SPT (supportive periodontal therapy)
  • Powered toothbrushes
  • Gingival Fibers
  • Clinical attachment level
  • Xenograft
  • Frenectomy
  • Function of PDL
  • Periodontal abscess
  • Oral malodor
  • Root planing
  • Gingival sulcus
  • Russel’s periodontal Index
  • Cytokines
  • Disclosing agents