Public Health Dentistry Important Exam

Hi everyone sharing with you important questions asked in previous year “PUBLIC HEALTH DENTISTRY” examination in various universities. Hope these questions help you to know which topics are important. If you find these helpful please let me know in the comment box below. All the best in advance!!!

Long Questions

  • Define Survey. Write in detail, about the steps of survey.
  • Write in detail about school oral health program.
  • Define dental auxiliaries. Write in detail about operating dental auxiliaries.
  • Write in detail about prevention or infection control in dental offices.
  • Define Health Education. Enumerate Principles of health education. Briefly describe about the communication aids used for health education.
  • Define ancillary. Classify and write a note on different types of ancillaries. Comment briefly on school dental nurses.
  • Define epidemiology. Mention the different types of epidemiology. Comment briefly on analytical epidemiology.
  • Write in detail about different mechanisms of dentistry.
  • Defines health education. Write in brief about barriers in health education.
  • Define Survey. Write in detail about path finder survey.
  • Define Epidemiology. Write in detail about epidemiology of oral cancer.
  • What are the various payments in dentistry? Write in brief about third party payment and fee per service.
  • Define Dental Public Health. Elaborate the various principles of Dental Public Health.
  • Define Dental auxiliaries. What are the various dental Auxiliaries? Elaborate New-Zealand Dental Nurse?
  • Define Epidemiology. Write in brief about descriptive epidemiology.
  • Define Biostatistics. Write in brief about measures of central tendency.
  • Define and classify epidemiology. Describe in detail about descriptive epidemiology.
  • Write in detail about definition, types and steps of surveys.
  • What Is ART? Describe in detail about its indication, contraindication, and procedures of ART.
  • Define and classify in detail about dental Manpower.
  • Mention Various methods of water purification. Write in detail about rapid sand filter method.
  • Define Planning. Enumerate the steps in Planning.
  • Define Health Education. Enumerate various methods of health education aids.
  • Mention the various methods of water purification. Write in detail about rapid and slow filter methods.
  • Define and classify epidemiology. Describe in detail about descriptive epidemiology.
  • Define Potable Water. Enumerate various methods of water purification. Write in detail about biological water purification.

Short Note

  • School water fluoridation
  • Epidemiological triad
  • Types of Biomedical waste
  • Comprehensive Dental Care
  • Community Water Fluoridation
  • Barriers of Communication
  • Differences between An Individual and a Public Health Practice
  • Cluster Sampling
  • Fluoride varnish
  • Russell Index
  • Plaque Control
  • Reverse smoking
  • Taboos in Dentistry
  • Mechanism of action of fluorides
  • Sampling Methods
  • Randomized control trial
  • Indian Dental Association
  • Rules of biomedical waste management
  • Fluoride mouth Rinse
  • Diet and Dental Caries
  • Ethics
  • Measures of central tendency
  • WHO
  • Normal Curve
  • Primary Prevention
  • Null Hypothesis
  • Water fluoridation
  • Culture and dental Health
  • Topical Fluorides
  • Difference between rapid and slow filters

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