It’s commonly a Mucous
extravasation cyst in the floor of the mouth
Usually involves the
Sublingual gland. Less common – submandibular salivary glands or from minor
salivary glands in the floor of the mouth
Why Called Ranula?
“Rana” means frog
because this lesion often resembles a frog’s translucent underbelly,
thus called as RANULA
painless, slow-growing, soft, movable mass, translucent blue in color
located in the floor of the mouth. Deeper ranulas are normal in color
Lateral to midline
of the floor of the mouth
Usually larger than
other mucoceles
May grow to a large
size filling the floor of the mouth and elevating the tongue
ranula – a rare suprahyoid type of ranula, spilled mucin extends from
the sublingual space around or through the mylohyoid muscle to the
submandibular space producing swelling within the neck
features similar to that of a Mucocele in other locations
marsupialization (not very effective) or more often excision of entire
sublingual gland
Sometimes may recur
if the entire sublingual gland or other gland causing them is not
excised with the lesion